Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Celestine Tradesman

Returning to my plans of writing short introductions for our races and guilds, I present the Celestines and the Tradesman's Guild

You come from the Celestine Kingdom, a land rooted in legend, magic, and chivalry. Your earliest legends tell of the Dragon Age, when the land was ravaged by great flying horrors with a appetite for treasure and destruction, when heroic knights would test their bravery on the hills to return as Dragon Slayers, or not at all. To this day cities a built away from hilltops, and formal oaths and challenges are made at high places. Many a legend also speaks of the Alfar, magical folk who could bring good fortune or deadly danger in equal measure. Tales of their rewards for virtuous heros and punishment to greedy and wickedness are popular. But the greatest epic of all is the story of Queen Celeste who, outnumbered by Harkor invaders, led her army with guile and cleverness that won the kingdom our freedom.

Today a woman still maintains her court of love for the benefit of her people and is well loved by knight and peasant alike. She is the first queen to reign under Guild Law from the start, and has proved an adept ruler in a quickly changing world. She maintains relations with our close neighbors, the enigmatic Alfar. Rumors have it that the Alfar diplomat is even her lover! 
Dwarves have also visited the Celestine court, and their crafts are wonders in their own right. The sight of Dwarves is becoming more common, although the often keep to themselves. 
Dineh-ih are often met traveling through Celestine cities for trade. They are also known for begging or petty theft, and may be invited to travel on if they are seen as problems.
Harkorian merchants are common, but their patriotic rhetoric makes them less welcome.
Lizard men, Sturthis or Hithus, rarely travel so far, so when they are seen they attract much attention. Most people can't tell the difference, or even know they are two different peoples.

the Tradesman's Guild

You are a tradesman, following the craft of your father or mother. You've been trained since you were very young knowing that one day the family business would pass to you. Your pride in your work will hopefully bring you a reputation for quality in time, but for now you pay your dues. If you're able to attract some noble's attention, perhaps you can finally be recognized for your art!

The Tradesman's Guild is possibly the weakest of the guilds, a collection of artists and artisans that would have no influence at all alone, but together demand a voice amongst the guilds. Though not as in demand as blacksmiths or entertainers, the leather goods, quality tailoring, woodworking and other skilled trades are needed commodities for soldiers to nobles. 

  • Goldsmiths services are for the benefit of nobles. You're better off buying a locked chest. But when goldsmiths are doing a noble's shopping, they must be well treated!
  • Blacksmiths are glorified tradesmen who's work get more credit than they deserve.
  • Merchants are good for buying up your inventory, but they don't pay what you're worth.
  • The Church of Saints are at least there to defend your right to your trade without unlawful competition. Its good to make regular donations to them.
  • The Military College often calls for leather armor, banners, or siege machines. Otherwise best to stay clear of them.
  • The College of Magesters are a strange lot, powerful and dangerous. What they purchase could be any strange thing. Again, better stay away.
  • The Noble Court demands only the best craftswork. If they commission you, and like your work, you could find yourself a wealthy benefactor for good
Thanks for reading. Please tell me what you think. Would you be interested in playing this character? Does this give you enough background to jump into a game with some base idea of your place? What else would you want to know?

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